Attention everyone!
For those fans who want to order the cartoon Sheren T-shirt from the fanclub, please go directly to this link to purchase. It is approximately 39RMB for each t-shirt, and that doesn't include shipping expense. The closing date to order is December 31st 2010. Please include this when you are ordering: 出類拔萃,實至名歸.萬千星輝,九妹最威. Also indicate your BBS ID at 出類拔萃, for convenience when purchasing. Thank you for your co-operation.
For those fans who want to order the cartoon Sheren T-shirt from the fanclub, please go directly to this link to purchase. It is approximately 39RMB for each t-shirt, and that doesn't include shipping expense. The closing date to order is December 31st 2010. Please include this when you are ordering: 出類拔萃,實至名歸.萬千星輝,九妹最威. Also indicate your BBS ID at 出類拔萃, for convenience when purchasing. Thank you for your co-operation.
DO NOT REPOST! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.
MadamLeung Thoughts: To be honest, I don't think I'm going to order this... In the beginning I really wanted to, but the shipping charges to overseas is $500RMB = $80CND, and then they DON'T accept paypal, visa, master, etc. Which means money transfer will be an extra $40 for me. And the t-shirt is only $5CND. I'm basically paying $120 more for a $5 t-shirt. This really sucks for overseas fans! >.<"
Man, it kinda sucks for me. I want one so bad, but I live in the US. :(
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