[Attention] Spectacular Sheren! MOVED

New link: http://sherentang.net
Note: This site will NOT be updated anymore. So if you want the newest updates of Spectacular Sheren! and Sheren Tang, please visit our new site!

Dear all Sherenites!

I have a great surprise for all of you! Spectacular Sheren! has been moved to a better site, and it is now hosted by itself WITHOUT blogger anymore! Blogger had many restrictions and limits, which wouldn't make it the best experience here for you guys! I must say, these 2months using blogger was nice, but now it's time to upgrade and improve for change!

Spectacular Sheren! is now hosted onto word-press, and is also now available for mainland china fans to view! YAY! :) More fans can visit and it's more international! There are also many, many, many new features and services on the new site for everyone to use! First of all, it now has a more professional looking template, so it's more like a fansite instead of a fanblog! Then you can also REGISTER there as a MEMBER and will be able to enjoy exclusive specials! Those will be only available to people who register, as it will encourage more people! There has also included more links to the navigation bar, and will have more goodies to share with everyone with more information!

Next, I've also added a [STAFF APPLICATION] area where Sherenites who want to apply and help with Spectacular Sheren! may do so! Commenting at the new site has more features now too, and looks a lot better!

Besides all the things I just mentioned above, there will be many more to come! As this site was just hosted 3days ago! It was hosted on January 6th 2011, and I had to quickly try and finish setting up everything as soon as possible, so you guys can visit!

I REALLY hope that Sherenites that come here can come support and visit us at our new site! I would greatly appreciate all the love and support to continue on! It was great to see Spectacular Sheren! as the 3rd page on google when I typed in Sheren Tang! In 2months, that was great results and now I hope that we can continue and push Spectacular Sheren!'s new site into google's top pages!

Please continue to support, and thank you very much! It would be best to help spread the word all over the world since it's like trying to advertise and promote something new all over again!

Lastly I want to say I'm sorry for the inconvenience of the new link, as it is a bit longer than the original one(.blogspot) but then you can always bookmark the site so you don't have to type it everytime :D But I can let you guys now, 2-3months later we won't need to type the long domain anymore! Because I will be having a new domain (sherentang.net) for the site! :D Second thing I'm sorry about is for the advertisement at the bottom of the sidebar! I HAD to include that ad because many/majority of the fans voted that they DON'T want to help out with Spectacular Sheren!'s improvements. Therefore, I cannot support and pay everything out of my own pocket >.<" So the Ad is there for that purpose. Please understand!

Thank you for everyone's support! Hope to see you at the new site! I will NEVER take down this blog as it is the memories of Spectacular Sheren!'s beginning and will always be our home!

New link: http://sherentang.net

Note: This site will NOT be updated anymore. So if you want the newest updates of Spectacular Sheren! and Sheren Tang, please visit our new site!

Regarding FC Keychain/Phone straps

Hello All Sherenites!

So sorry to make everyone wait so long! The production of the Keychain and phone straps have already been voted. The BBS/Fanclub has decided to use metal as the material. As last time, we said the cost will be approximately 100-120 which incldes one set of phone straps and one set of keychains( approximately 10 in total). The price includes the cost of the ground fees, since before it was said to be $800 to make one mold. 5 would be $4000, but since 小扣's design has a limit, it might had some more extra charges. For this point, we still have to talk with the store. I believe that all the charges won't pass 1000 for one. Each Sherenite can order one or more sets, but one set must order one set of phone straps and one set of keychains together. We do not sell individually because it would be very inconvenient so please understand! In addition, the production will have to start after the new year, because our work load before is very busy! If we were to go order now, we believe that the quality wouldn't be as careful, and our orders would very small, so they would accept the bigger business's first.(the store). This store has a special warmth reminder, that the longer it takes, and everyone has to be more patient, the better the quality!

If the amount of fans that order is over 100, then we will make it, or else the price would be too expensive and we wouldn't be able to pay! Everyone interested, please comment with your ID(name I guess if you aren't in the BSS), your QQ and other contact information so it would be easier to communicate with everyone!

DO NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Photo] Walk for a Million

Date: January 9th 2011
Credits: All the people on weibo!

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Download] Celebrity Press Conference

Date: July 25th 2007
Format: wmv
Download Link: http://u.115.com/file/f58b5ebb96

DO NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Function] 福演繹 Press Conference

Sheren will attend 福演繹 press conference on Saturday January 15th 2011 at 3pm to 7pm.
The place will be at international Trade and Exhibition Center on the 3rd floor.

For fans interested, please contact Wini. Since we have to approximate how many fans are going, there will be a limited amount of tickets. Please post at the BBS before January 9th 2011!

Ticket Prices are $20each.

電話:+852 65854079

DO NOT REPOST! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Announcement] Attention for all 2011 Sherenites

Hello everyone!

On the last day of 2010, Sheren has something to tell everyone, which regards sending gifts. The BBS will here tell everyone.

Sheren is really thankful for everyone's thought and love. Sheren has already collected many big things(presents). Such as a big picture frame from the BBS, she really has no place to but it. Sometimes when she goes to Mainland, she will be rushed, and if it's really heavy she has to carry it home. Some times she will be with someone else in the car and have to ask them to help. She doesn't want to waste our thoughts and love, so she will accept small gifts. So next time if you give her a gift, she hopes for it to be light. If there is something new, we can all write something!
      The BBS also hopes that everyone can understand and appreciate Sheren's feelings. All Sherenites always here supporting here, Sheren is able to receive it. Her work is very rushed! When she isn't filming he has to do things for the church, so she doesn't have alot of time for personal things. In the new year, we hope to be like Sheren, and learn from her. Sending our love out, working hard to improve, helping others and together we can keep going and give mutual encouragement to each other! 

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted!

[Photo] Hins Cheung Weibo

"Last night when I received your call, I was so shocked that I was speechless... Thank you for your words of encouragement, and also thank you for inviting me today, as I learnt alot! Thank you Gau Goo Leung!" 

Date: January 6th 2011
Source: Hins Cheung Weibo
Translated: MadamLeung

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Photo] New Years Eve #2

Credit: All the fans who went to the event and share their pics with the BBS :)


Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

MadamLeung Thoughts: wow! More HD pics from the function :) I have to admit, I really love Sheren's hair and style like this! It resembles the hair she had for the TVB Anniversary Award Ceremony, and make's her look so elegant and gorgeous! Just can't explain it, but she's beautiful! What do you guys think about it?

[Download] Andy Lau Unforgettable Concert - Scoop

Credits: heaven_fan for download link
Download Link: http://u.115.com/file/f6c6bd5152
Streaming Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/tGAQx9iJgSQ/

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Blog] Pray for Me

Date: January 6th 2011 
Time: 3am

Please pray for my tonight's sharing to those coming guest artise, hope I can be brave and wise to show God's lovePray <wbr>for <wbr>me
Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted. 

[Download] Sheren singing at Sammi's Concert

Date: January 1st 2010
Credit: Sally law for download links :)

Ask Me: http://u.115.com/file/t4bc06486
Celebrity: http://u.115.com/file/t4a516f29a

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our links if reposted.

[News] Sheren and Andy leak that they have Love Section

Date: January 5th 2011
Source: TVBChannel

Last night, Sheren Tang and Helena Law was at Andy Lau's Unforgettable Concert as guests. Andy described that he and Sheren Tang were friends since childhood, and Sheren leaked out that her "first" was given to Andy.

She said, "I wanted to tell everyone that, Andy was the first boy I brought to Daddy!" And y was proudly said, "Yes ah, I saw her parents ga."

Andy Lau was at his Unforgettable Concert last night, and invited Sheren and Helena as a guest. He also said that his friendship with Sheren is great. Andy used the words, "青梅竹馬" to introduce Sheren. Sheren said, "I would like to tell everyone, Andy is the first boy I brought Daddy to see!" Andy was complacent and said, "Yes. I saw her parents!" When Andy and Sheren were classmates, Andy would occasionally be at Sheren's house, and he is definitely the person who nominated Sheren to enter TVB's artiste training classes.

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Special] Sheren wishing fans Happy 2011!

Thanks to Sheren's BBS for providing us with a video and a download link for all Sherenites to watch :) This video was taken on December 31st 2010(New Years Eve). Sheren's wishing all fans happy new years and wishes for the year 2011. Enjoy!

Streaming Video Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/6MycHOqNfrY/
Download link: http://u.115.com/file/f741532f85

Credits: Sheren Tang BBS :)

[Photo] Andy Lau Concert - Unforgettable

Here are more photos of Sheren at Andy Lau's Unforgettable concert. Huge thanks for Sheren fans sharing them and to the people posting onto weibo :)

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Download] Mission Reality

Title: Mission Reality
Episodes: 3
Download links provided by: vikty

Episode 1
Part A: http://u.115.com/file/f9fce39460
Part B: http://u.115.com/file/f96176ea5d

Episode 2

Part A: http://u.115.com/file/f99cbd98a2
Part B: http://u.115.com/file/f91cfa5bf

DO NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Download] Entertainment News Report

Date: January 4th 2011
Download Link: http://u.115.com/file/t9c88135a2
Credit: vikty

Do NOT Repost! Credit Spectacular Sheren! with our link if reposted.

[Download] Sheren on Andy Lau's Unforgettable Concert

Date: January 3rd 2011
Streaming Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM0NDYzMzU2.html
Download Link: http://u.115.com/file/f8f74e6090

Credits: Crodie for download link, andylaufans163 for video

[Photo] Andy Lau Concert

 Date: January 3rd 2011
Credits: Various people on weibo!

[Website] Polls Polls Polls!

It's poll time again, Sherenites! This time I added 2 more polls, because I really would like to know what you guys think and I need your opinions! The first poll of our site already ended with 63votes~ Thank you for all those who voted!

The results are obvious, as:
1st -- 44%(28Votes) says it doesn't matter if we change our domain;
2nd -- 28%(18votes) says we shouldn't change our doman and leave it to .blogspot.
3rd -- 15%(10votes) says we should change our domain to sherentang.net
4th -- 3%(2votes) says we should change our domain to sheren-tang.net OR sherentang.org
5th -- 1%(1vote) says we should change our domain to tangshuiman.com

Once again, thank you to all who voted! For now, it is obvious that we won't change our domain yet, and will leave it .blogspot.com. Probably later on, as more months pass by I might change it to sherentang.net(domain name with the most votes).

As for the 2 new polls I created, "Would you help donate to improve S.S?" and "If S.S! created a t-shirt, would you buy?" These 2 polls ends on JANUARY 31ST 2011, so please vote before then!

I'm thinking that Spectacular Sheren! will need some improvements to make this place a more convenient and a more resourceful place for everyone! That is why donations would be greatly appreciated from Sherenites :) It doesn't matter how much you donate, anything is good and appreciated~ Some of the improvements would be the domain, and other add ons, and probably a more professional template! So that is why the poll was created, to get a sense of how many people would be willing to donate ^^

The second poll, I want to get a sense and an approximation if there would be fans wanting to buy a custom made t-shirt from Spectacular Sheren! This project would be just like a normal white t-shirt with Sheren and Spectacular Sheren! on it, so fans can collect and wear to functions if Sheren goes to your country for a show :) I was thinking of this project for a while, but I still haven't confirmed if it's going to run, as it is quite expensive to buy the t-shirts and print on the front and back. If there is a good amount of Sherenites that want to buy it, I would reconsider and hopefully be able to do it :) But just in advance to let you guys know;
the t-shirt(depending on quality) is around 25CND(cheaper if there's more people buying) + the customized print (not sure, but I think this is the most expensive!)
= $35CND at most. Because the price of the t-shirt will only go downwards as more people buy!

I would post the picture of the t-shirt that I have already designed, but I still have to get some confirmations around. So I'll post it up once people have voted at the polls, and when I see if the project can still run or not~

Thank you for taking your time to vote and read through this! ^^


Welcome to Spectacular Sheren! This is an english fansite dedicated to lovely Hong Kong Actress, Sheren Tang. This site is not affiliate to TVB, nor Sheren Tang. However it is affiliated with Sheren Tang's BBS.

The point of this english fansite is to bring Sherenites from all oversea countries and english speaking fans together and share our love for her.

If you wish to repost information/articles, PLEASE give due CREDIT to my site with our link. All rights remain to respective news sources.

Creative Commons License
Spectacular Sheren! by MadamLeung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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Testing as of: January 5th 2011

If S.S! created a t-shirt, would you buy?

Would you help donate to improve S.S?

Twitter Updates

Sheren's Schedule

Drama: Princess Pearl
Type: Mainland China Costume series
Episodes: Not Sure?
Country: Mainland China, Beijing
Year: 2010
Status: Completed filming.


Event: 福演繹 Press Conference
Date: January 15th 2011
Time: 3 - 7pm
Place: International Trade & Exhibition Center (3rd floor)


Event: Why Women are too strong for?
Date: January 20th & 22nd 2010
Artiste: Sheren Tang
Time: 8pm
Place: (Refer to the picture)


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